View Calendar
25/04/2023 10:00 - 11:00
Phone: +35054008223
Finance Centre, Gibraltar Finance,
Address: Finance Centre, Gibraltar Finance, Suite 761, Europort, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar

GANT is holding their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 25 April from 10.00am - 11.00am in the Finance Centre Boardroom (6th Floor, Block 7, Europort). All members are invited to attend and we welcome your participation and feedback. This will be an in-person event, but if you would like to attend virtually, please let us know and we will arrange this for you.

We would welcome diversity on the board in a number of ways and would welcome the interest of anyone, and particularly DLT industry representatives, who might want to participate in GANT or the Executive. A number of positions on the Executive have completed their two-year term, and will therefore be standing down. This year the Chair, Deputy Chair, Treasurer and Secretary will also need to be replaced. Please send us your nominations no later than 7 days before the AGM.

If you would like to attend the AGM, please register using the 'form'. When completing the form, please choose 'AGM' where it asks you for the 'Event I'm interested in'.