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28/06/2022 10:00 - 11:30

Gaurang Torvekar, serial entrepreneur and smart contract expert, CEO and Co-Founder of Indorse, and Eddy Travia, pioneer investor in blockchain and CEO and Co-founder of Gibraltar-based Coinsilium will introduce us to Web3, The Metaverse and NFTs.

Small and large businesses are getting ready for the Metaverse revolution, a transformational era ushered in via new technologies such as AR/VR and blockchain. Learn more about the Metaverse, a virtual world where you can interact and experience various activities such as gaming, shopping, learning or socialising.

Gaurang will describe the origins of the Indorse-developed Blockbot NFT games. Each BlockBot is a unique 3D Voxel avatar with specific traits that can be used across Metaverses, games and more.

 £15 members/ £30 non-members 

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