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GANT Executive Committee voting results
The following have been voted in as members of the Executive of the Association following a vote amongst applicant firms. NameNick CowanFirmGSX Group LimitedNick is a specialist in investment business with over 30 years’ experience working in both Japan and Europe. He...
GANT Launch Event
GANT had a launch event on the 29 Nov. Opening remarks were delivered by Minister for Commerce the Hon. Albert Isola in which he welcomed all to the meeting and gave a brief introduction to HMGoG’s rationale for establishing the association. The Meeting was then...
Launch of Gibraltar Association for New Technologies Boosts Country’s Expanding Blockchain Ecosystem
Blockchain Focused Trade Association will act as a forum for policy makers, regulators, professional firms, and educators Gibraltar – October 30, 2018 – HM Government of Gibraltar has today announced the formal launch of the Gibraltar Association...
GBC Interview on the launch of GANT
FATF Statement on the Regulation of Virtual Assets
Click here to view FATF Statement
Government of Gibraltar and University of Gibraltar Announce Creation of New Technologies in Education Key Advisory Group
Gibraltar – 18 October 2018 – The Government of Gibraltar today announced the launch of a new advisory group that will focus on the creation of new technology related education courses, such as blockchain. The New Technologies in Education (NTiE) group will be a joint...
Official Launch of GANT
We are pleased to announce the official launch the Gibraltar Association for New Technologies (GANT). We are inviting applications for corporate, individual and observer membership as well as nominations for the Executive Committee. Please visit the Membership Page to...